Frequently Asked Questions
How do I become a bring-it artist?
Apply to Once we receive your application. We will reach out to you about what you want to perform, what you need for your performance, and how to bring people to the show.
What if I need more than 10 minutes for my performance
The Bring It Showcase is designed to be a variety showcase with many different types of performers bringing a diverse audience. 10 minutes is the maximum amount of time we can give for this showcase. We do however offer a showcase where you bring the entire audience and are able to have 2-3 hours all to yourself. Tickets to this showcase are $20 and you split the door with the venue. If you are interested in this type of showcase email to discuss details.
Does it cost me anything to be in the showcase?
It doesn’t cost you any money. In fact, you will earn money. The only thing you need to be a part of the showcase is to bring at least 3 people to watch the show.
Can I just pay the cost of 3 tickets for a spot in the showcase? I don’t want to bring any people.
No. You cannot do that. The point of the showcase is for everyone including yourself to have an audience to perform in front of. In order for you to have a spot in the show at least 3 people you have invited must actually attend the showcase.
Can I bring my own camera person to record my performance?
While we appreciate you may have a team that records your performances. They will not be allowed to set up cameras. our in-house camera crew will already be set up in the best way possible to not disturb the audience during the show. If you want to have someone record your performance from a phone from their seat we have no problem with that.
Can I have a comp ticket for my mom or wife etc.?
We would love for your mom, wife, or whoever to attend the show. The tickets are strategically priced low so that everyone wins you get money for bringing the audience the venue gets money for hosting and your guests get to see an entertaining show at a very low cost. If you want to give your people a %50 discount by forfeiting your cut of the door, you are more than welcome to do that.
How soon will I have the edited video of my performance?
1 - 2 weeks.
How often does this showcase happen?
You are getting in on the ground floor. As of right now, the only one scheduled is December 8th. 2023. We will do as many of them as there is a demand for. The intention is for this to become a weekly showcase.